Wednesday 5 March 2008

Walking the walk

The planned trip to Ingleton at the weekend turned into a trip to Malham Cove instead, due to unpredictable weather and too much faffing about before we set off. It was lovely and the 2.5 round trip walk was a good way to get back into the 'walking for fun' game. As before I always forget how much I actually enjoy walking in the countryside and came back really refreshed. I have decided I need some proper walking boots so anyone with recommendations for reliable boots in wide-fittings should form an orderly queue.
This week I have started the diet proper, after a week of entertaining different folks last week (hello Sue, Sharon, Janet, Jamie, Isaac, Moira and Aaron!). I'm aiming to keep down to 1000 calories a day and do 20 minutes on the exercise bike (at a steady pace) five times a week. On top of that I will be building in regular walks and making my 20 minutes walk from the bus to college and back as brisk as possible. I've bought a smoothie maker so that I have no excuse when I haven't got time to make porridge of a morning too.
Trying to remove all the potential excuses for myself at every turn! Got my Race for Life pack through with my number in it (I am going to be 4343 - how exciting) and already 20% of the way there to my fundraising target. Pic of Mum and I taken at Malham for my fundraising page as this was officially our first 'training' for the event (and because, although she doesn't believe in it, it was Mothers' Day).
Apart from that I am planning to see several films at the Bradford International Film Fest and the new Cartier-Bresson exhibition (one of my all time heroes) at the Media Museum. I also have just got the first disc of Season 6 of Scrubs through from LoveFilm so have this evenings activity all sewn up!

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