Thursday 24 April 2008

Thank you everyone x

After several reminders from people that I should update this more often, this is an update on progress so far!
I am chuffed to bits to be able to say that thanks to the generosity of my lovely family and friends I have reached my target of £100 fundraising money for the Race for Life. This is a fantastic incentive for the big day itself. Joining Mum and I will now be my friend Mizue and one of my students (the lovely Hannah Harris) is also doing the race at Lister Park in memory of her Mum. Looks like it is going to be a great day.
My MA research also got another boost recently as the papers have been full of comment about the new Specialised Diplomas - the subject of my dissertation - and I've also now been trained as a Trainer (how weird does that sound) for the qualifications too. Not only will that bring more work my way (is that something I really want?) but also gives me much more opportunity to meet up with those delivering the qualification in the near future.
Apart from all that life is pretty hectic, with college and EdexHell work. However, I am managing to find the time to feed a new obsession - World of Warcraft! Check out the portrait of my alter-ego Strella - a Troll Shaman. Do you like my mohican?

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